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The Development & Foundation Office
Reed’s is quite unique in its mission compared to many other schools and charities. First and foremost Reed’s is a Foundation, dedicated to providing pastoral care and support for disadvantaged children who have suffered from family trauma. It is also a School, providing excellent educational provision which offers these children the tools they need to realise a better future for themselves. These two are inextricably linked, each benefiting the other and together delivering the best possible outcomes for the children.
The roles within the Development and Foundation team are many-fold.
We have dedicated Foundation Managers who work closely with our Foundation families from the point of application through to regular communications while the child is at Reed’s, liaising with the Pastoral Staff, Medical Centre and Counsellors. They are also integral to the Foundation admissions process internally, ensuring that the support we can provide is going to those who need it the most.
Our events and marketing team members co-ordinate and run the outreach activities for the Foundation, providing exciting and inspiring programmes for over 1200 primary school aged children each year.
The alumni relations team, whilst building a lasting community with all of our Old Reedonians, are especially important for our Foundation pupils, who often don’t have the personal contacts or family input needed to navigate the complex world of university and work.
Finally, but crucially, the whole department is responsible for raising the funds that are needed to support these children and programmes. Our donors, from individual donors to large charities, are a crucial part of the Reed’s community. Our long-time relationships with these donors often provides Foundation pupils with much more than just financial assistance. Opportunities such as work experience, summer camps, speaking engagements and introductions to high-level individuals are not only aspirational but help to build self-confidence and self-esteem as well as delivering crucial life skills.
Kathryn Bartram
Development & External Relations Director
T: 01932 869025 M: 07990 510121 E: kbartram@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
Kathryn received an MBA from Massachusetts Institute of Technology; she also holds a BA in Economics & Mathematics from Colby College, Maine and completed the General Course in Statistics & Mathematics from the London School of Economics. After beginning her career at the Federal Reserve Bank she moved to London with McKinsey & Co, specialising in business development strategies for multinational corporations. Following that she was the Head of Product and Marketing for Citibank Cards in the UK. Kathryn joined Reed’s in 2015 and is passionate about applying her knowledge and experience to the School, making it the market leader in providing a forward-looking education grounded in the values and ethos of its Founder.
Olivia Abel
Foundation Manager (Relations)
T: 01932 869093 M: 07540 219647 E: oabel@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
Prior to joining Reed’s, Olivia worked in New Business Development roles within the Marketing Communications, Education and Charity sectors. Olivia spent four years running the Fundraising and Marketing for a local charity, BRIGHT Cancer Care, raising funds for new innovative equipment and treatments for cancer patients at St Luke’s Cancer Centre in Guildford. Olivia lives locally with her husband and three daughters. She enjoys walking, baking, photography and is passionate about making a difference to the lives of children.
Ruth de Fraga Gomes
Foundation Manager (Pastoral)
T: 01932 589493 M: 07720 955092 E: rgomes@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
After obtaining a degree in Psychology from Reading University, Ruth started a career in the fashion industry. Before becoming Foundation Manager, she also worked in the catering department and the Art department at Reed’s. Now that Ruth's children have left home and live independently she enjoys going to art exhibitions, gardening and attending creative courses at the weekends/
Alison Atkins
Marketing Manager
T: 01932 869071 M: 07952 112754 E: aatkins@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
Alison joined the Development Office in 2006 and has covered a variety of roles within the department, such as events management and fundraising, before concentrating fully on marketing the School. She previously spent 14 years in the insurance industry as a Lloyd’s broker specialising in the onshore oil and gas market. Married to the Senior Deputy Head with three Old Reedonian children, she is fully involved with the life and community of the School.
Sharmaine Matthews
Head of Alumni & Community Relations
T: 01932 589490 M: 07850 958600 E: smatthews@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
With over 25 years marketing and communications experience in the broadcast and media industry, Sharmaine is able use the skills she gained to foster excellent alumni relations that not only strengthen the relationships between our Old Reedonians, but also actively engage them in School life. As a parent of two Old Reedonians her understanding and commitment to the School are further enhanced and she is particularly delighted to also work on promoting the Foundation.
Erica Westwood
Events, Outreach & Foundation Appeal Manager
T: 01932 869089 M: 07738 981921 E: ewestwood@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
After reading Psychology at the University of Bath, Erica started her career as a Compliance Officer for Asset Management and Investment Banking firms in the City. More recently, Erica held a variety of roles within a local primary school which gave her valuable experience and knowledge that enables her to organise our extensive Outreach programme, as well as oversee the smooth running of events across the School. She also administers the Annual Foundation Appeal. Erica enjoys walking her dog and is passionate about supporting the needs of children and young adults.
Lucy Martin
Alumni Relations Officer
T: 01932 588029 E: lmartin@reeds.surrey.sch.uk
After gaining a degree in Environmental BioGeoscience from Leeds University, Lucy began her career working in marketing and events, latterly for Virgin where she remained for eight years. After marrying and having children, she started her own business as a wedding dress designer. Lucy’s mix of experience - from running corporate events and campaigns to building relationships through her bespoke bridal service - provides an excellent background in helping to build our alumni network. Lucy’s eldest son is currently at Reed’s and her youngest son has gained a place at Reed’s for 2025.